Who is Brandon Andersen?

Good question.

I’m a lot of different things.

For starters, I’m a marketer who loves helping brands connect with their audiences.

I’m the co-founder of Ceralytics, a content intelligence company that helps organizations understand what content and topics are resonating with their buyers. In 2021, my co-founder and I sold Ceralytics.

I’m a father of two onery but great kids. It’s the most important role I’ve ever had.

I have a passion for taking complex problems and topics and breaking them down into small, digestible pieces. A lot of times this involves approaching a problem from many different angles to see which one best solves the issue and can be clearly communicated.

I also enjoy leading teams and giving people an environment in which they can excel individually, as well as with the team as a whole.

You can catch some of my content marketing, social media, and SEO musings over at RelevanceSocialFresh, Social Business Engine, O’Dwyer’sBusiness2Community, & PR News , and all of the Sketchalytics content on the Ceralytics website. You can also find me on Twitter @andersenology.

Aside from my daily life as a marketer/SEO/content developer/inbound marketer/strategist I also founded the website Retro Gaming Geek, where I do deep dives into how video games from my childhood were created. Every game has a story, and I’m passionate about how that industry came to be and the impact it had on me as a child.