Okay, this one is just for fun. Here are some funny zombie pictures that I’ve collected over the years. The whole zombie genre is so gory and gross, it’s nice to sometimes break out of the blood, bile and butchery and enjoy a little humor.
Probably the most truthful pie chart regarding the zombie apocalypse
The evolution of zombies
Before you start hacking and slashing, take a moment to remember…
And since they were people at one point…some of them are more superficial than others
When the zombies come, keep calm and bury on
Seems like a good idea, until that generator runs out of juice
Screw the treadmills, just line your house with these
Identify what you’re up against
Which brings us to…
Odds are, you’re going to be a zombie, not a hero. Better study up
When ordering, don’t forget about the zombie food pyramid guidelines
Try to blend in
We’re all thinking it
This is just one more reason why I’m a runner
These guys just can’t catch a break
Except he can’t open doors, grab anything to eat or do much of anything else. But, dying of dehydration in a swarm of zombies may be better than getting ripped apart.
This guy picked Palin to be a running mate, so I’m not so sure he’s interested in brains
Again, we’re all thinking it
One of the greatest internet comics takes on zombies

The family that slays together, stays together
Okay, you had your laugh. Now go see what you need to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse.